
Our metal and woodworking shop contains modern, as well as vintage machinery used in the coachwork industry years ago.

The specialized talents of our staff and the physical facilities of our shop enable us to produce top quality restorations as well as the fabrication of new parts or complete bodies, depending on the needs of the project.  Look at the galleries on the metal forming, restoration and, partial restorations pages to see examples of our work

Here is a list of some of the equipment we have available in our shop:

-English Wheel
-Erco Power Metal Shrinker
-Kick shrinker
-Kick stretcher
-Metal Forming Equipment:
-Multiple handheld sheet metal tools
-Pettingell Power Hammer
-Sheet metal brake
-Sheet metal shearer

Our skilled, dedicated staff possess the expertise and desire to produce old world craftsmanship and national award winning quality. These goals are achieved using an extensive collection of vintage, as well as modern equipment and technology for the greatest efficiency.

Call us to discuss how we can help with your restoration projects.  Or stop by, visitors are always welcome.

We can be reached at 860.749.7917 Monday-Friday 6:30-5:00.


Enfield Auto Restoration, Inc.
4 Print Shop Road
Enfield, CT 06082
Phone: (860) 749-7917
We'd like to hear about your project or potential acquisition.  Please fill out this contact form (or give us a call) and see how our team can help you.
Contact Form

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